March 23, 2002

BRUCE TRAIL - off of Dunby Road

Meeting report and photos by Alexis & Nathan Burnett

The hike started out at the Bruce Trail entrance off of Dunby Road. It was quite windy and very chilly the snow was blowing and we were ready to start our hike. We started up the trail through the meadows and into the pine forest. Once inside the dense forest it was much warmer. The pines and cedars acted like a wind breaker. 

We climbed up the slight slope and looked across out over the cedars, which were at eye level. Shortly after we encountered deer browse on a few apple trees. This was pretty neat and we spent a little bit of time talking about these browse.



Following this, up the trail a little farther we found the same browse only they were from our fury little rabbit friend the cottontail. 

We followed the trail heading south and in a patch of light snow we saw what looked to be robin tracks. We figured that they were robin tracks for we saw many robins in the area. 

We also caught sight of what looked to be a hare's paws. After close identification we found that it was in fact a hare that left the 4 prints.

The group also found a grouse trail that lead into the bush we saw 3 grouse throughout the journey and we were alarmed as all of them took off noticing us way before we noticed them. In the forest we found many quills left from a porcupine, a well known resident of the area. 
Kyle found a neat hiding spot/shelter under some roots.

Alexis spotted a very big cedar in the forest that we all investigated. We crossed a few nice
springs, some very clear and seemed quite clean and very beautiful.


In the marsh we found a very unusual looking plant and it is the mystery plant of the hike, a few of us knew it and it sat on the tips of our tongues but we couldn't put it to a name. Can you?

(It's teasel).  

We began to walk back through the forest and out into the open meadow where we saw many signs left by deer, cottontail, hare and robins. As we reached the meadow the cold wind returned. 

We reached the cars and thought what a wonderful day and recalled the many neat things that we discovered on our walk today. We thank everyone who came out today and encourage others to come on our next hike.

Spring Greetings.


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